SDG 13:
Climate Action
Photography: Shutterstock
Every country on every continent will feel the impact of climate change, in the form of droughts, floods, extreme storms, climate migration and melting ice caps. It is essential to take action as global warming continues to have a discernible effect on physical and biological systems.
There are many examples of plant and animal species that – due to climate change – have spread beyond their original habitats to become invasive species, or withdrawn from them and become endangered. In addition, flooding, drought or insect infestation increase the risk of agricultural losses. The effects of rising temperatures are also evident in heat islands in cities, for example. It is therefore important to combat the impact of climate change by tackling the sources of the problem and making the planet and people resilient in the face of the effects.
WUR aims to develop evidence-based, integrated solutions to adapt to and mitigate climate change
A healthy climate is an integral part of the research domain at Wageningen University & Research (WUR). We study the impact of climate change and develop evidence-based, integrated solutions and technology to adapt to and mitigate its negative effects. Examples of research include finding ways to promote a transition to a circular agriculture and generate electricity from waste water.