SDG 1:
No Poverty
Photography: Shutterstock

To eradicate extreme poverty by 2030 and reduce the number of people living in poverty by national definitions by at least 50 per cent is a major challenge.
Even though poverty has already been haved compared to 2000, many people still live in extreme poverty (living on less than US$1.90 a day). Ending poverty means ensuring every man, woman and child equal access to social protection systems and economic resources such as land rights, pensions, child support and disability funds. Reducing vulnerability to environmental, social and economic disasters can also help end poverty as these situations often lead to a loss of basic resources such as food and housing.
WUR focuses on empowering local farmers to earn a sufficient income and increase the quality of their livelihoods
An estimated nine per cent of the world population, mostly residents of the least developed countries, still live below the international poverty line of US$1.90 a day. To improve the economic conditions of these people, Wageningen University & Research (WUR) participates as a partner in various programmes focused on empowering local farmers and enabling them to earn a sufficient income and increase the quality of their livelihoods. The programmes aim to engage smallholders in value chains, find possibilities for cooperation and build learning networks.