SDG 5:
Gender Equality
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SDG 5 aims to ensure that women and girls have the same basic rights and opportunities as men and boys, bringing an end to discrimination, violence and other harmful practices.
While some of the differences in the rights and opportunities available to men and women have become smaller over recent decades, women and girls still suffer from discrimination, violence, practices such as child marriage, and a denial of basic human rights. To achieve gender equality we need to address structural injustices in terms of social norms and attitudes as well as ensuring that equal treatment is promoted by law.
WUR studies the gender aspects of issues liked to agricultural practices, biodiversity, population control and sustainability
Women’s roles in agricultural practices are often undervalued or overlooked in current policy in developing countries, leaving them disempowered and without income. Wageningen University & Research (WUR) is dedicated to these issues in the context of agricultural practices, biodiversity, population control and sustainability. We carry out research in many countries, analysing gender roles, studying the historical background of these roles and proposing development opportunities to address gender inequality.